How Raw Food Diet Benefits Your Type 2 Diabetes

How A Raw Food Diet Benefits Type 2 Diabetes

Part of the cause of type 2 diabetes is a diet high in processed and overcooked foods as well as foods that are high in sugar. A raw food diet benefits type 2 diabetes and when you follow one, you can decrease the amount of sugar you put in your system and can lose weight.

Evidence suggests that losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can have a high impact on type 2 diabetes and overall blood sugar. A raw food diet benefits your efforts to lose weight quickly and naturally.

Type 2 diabetes is prevalent. More than 20 percent of individuals under the age of 20 carries a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Part of this comes from an epidemic of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. As a result of high blood sugars and obesity, the insulin sensitivity of the body’s cells go way down, and glucose cannot enter the cells which need to use it as cellular fuel. This lack of glucose causes the cells to starve for energy.

A healthy raw food diet benefits you and can greatly alter the outcome of type 2 diabetes and can not only slow the disease process but can reverse the effects of diabetes. This means eliminating the standard American diet, which consists mostly of processed foods, fast foods, dairy products, meat, and sugar-containing foods. Instead of this diet, you need to substitute the bad foods with raw vegetables and fruits. You also need to exercise to lose some weight.

raw food diet benefits

How a Raw Food Diet can counteract Type 2 Diabetes

The raw food diet was pioneered in Switzerland by a Swiss doctor, Maximilian Bircher-Benner in the mid-1800s. He was the doctor who invented muesli, which consists of grains mixed with dried fruits.
The raw food diet involves a plant-based diet in which you eat food in its completely natural state. It means that food is not:
• Cooked
• Processed
• Microwaved
• Genetically engineered
• Irradiated
• Treated with herbicides or pesticides
People who trust in this diet say that, when you heat or process foods, you are damaging much of the nutritional benefits of the food, including the phytonutrients, vitamins, and healthy enzymes. Foods that are uncooked are believed to be more wholesome if you have type 2 diabetes. A raw food diet benefits are numerous.

Why Eating a Raw Food Diet Benefits You

The idea behind eating a raw food diet is that all food you consume is in its unprocessed state. It is a vegan diet in which you eat no animal products. You cannot heat foodstuffs above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. It is okay to dehydrate food so that vegetables retain their crunchiness and you can turn fruit into delicious fruit leathers.

Foods that you can be eating on a raw food diet include vegetables, fruits, juices, seeds, nuts, raw almond butter, grains, seaweed, sprouts, fresh beans, virgin coconut oil, olive oil, herbal tea, and coconut butter. If you do not wish to eat only vegan, you can drink unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat, and cheese.

Foods you are not able to eat on a raw food diet include any refined sugar, processed salt, flour, pasteurized milk, caffeine, baked goods, pasta, ice cream, soda, many types of juices, alcoholic beverages and fast foods.


You will probably be eating mostly at home because most restaurants only serve cooked food. You can grow your sprouts, juice fruits, and vegetables, dehydrate fruits and vegetables, chop, or blend any fruit or vegetable.

How A Raw Food Diet Benefits Type 2 Diabetes

A raw food diet can help you lose weight if you have type 2 diabetes. In one research study, those who ate a raw food diet lost 9 percent of their body weight over a three-month period. It also decreases cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The fasting blood sugar and Hemoglobin A1C level will drop when you begin to lose the weight. A raw food diet also contains plenty of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients.

The most significant downside of a raw food diet is that it is expensive. There is also a chance that if you have type 2 diabetes, you will suffer from a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass. Raw food diets can also have less vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Also, not all foods are better for you when eaten raw. Eggs and tomatoes absorb better when you cook them. Potatoes, raw fish, and raw meat are potentially dangerous as they can carry foodborne illnesses. Now you know how a raw food diet benefits you but make sure to consult with your doctor before starting a raw food diet.